MSR Water Treatment
- Do MSR filters and purifiers remove chemical contaminants from the water?
- What pore size or micron rating are the MSR filters?
- How will tannins (tea-colored water) affect my filter or purifier?
- Why is my gravity filter or purifier flow rate slow?
- What is a purge valve and hose, and why does the Guardian Gravity Purifier have one?
- Why Should the Guardian Filter Cartridge be Kept Wet?
- How does the Guardian Purifier work?
- Where can I find a video overview of the Trail Base water filter kit?
- Where can I find a video overview of the MiniWorks EX filter?
- Is the current MiniWorks/WaterWorks Ceramic Element interchangable with the Marathon 205/Marathon EX Ceramic Element?
- How can I combine a carbon filtering element with the MSR Guardian Purifier?
- What are some of the limitations of activated carbon in water treatment devices?