What you may be seeing are not charges to your account, but temporary authorization holds placed due to multiple attempts to place the order. This may happen because of incorrect information used when placing the order or hiccups in the processing.
Authorization holds generally disappear from your account within 3-5 business days of being placed. If you're still seeing these holds on your account after 5 days and you'd like us to investigate the situation further, please contact us and we'll be happy to help!
1 comment
I would like to buy a tent from you with the 10% “new customer” discount but I'm not sure if I've even succeeded in creating an account. I'm David Halley, david.halley@icloud.com, (512) 230-1804. Please contact me. If I get a phone call from an unrecognized number, I'll let it go to voicemail and then call you back. Email or text is quicker.
Kindest regards,
David Halley
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