Step 1: Remove Excess Water
First, always attempt to remove any water left in the bladder. Shake out any excess droplets of water, and dry the inside film with a paper towel if possible.
Step 2: Prop Bladder Up
We’ve done extensive testing in our water lab, and the most efficient means of drying your bladder is to leave it pointed up. This allows water to evaporate and easily escape the bladder. Sunshine can also help to speed up the evaporation process, and all of our hydration systems are UV-safe and can be left in the sun to dry.
Step 3: Keep Interior Open
When the sides of your bladder touch each other, it drastically slows down the drying process. The interior will dry much faster if propped open to prevent the sides from touching each other. We suggest using something like a cooking spoon, spatula, or other utensil closure to prop open the bladder. Alternately, hang them on a plastic bag dryer, widely available at kitchen supply stores and numerous online retailers.
For drying Platypus Big Zip™ reservoirs is specifically: First, wipe interior with a dry towel (made easy thanks to the large opening!). Then prop the reservoir open with the SlideLock™ slider and let it all air dry.
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