Gravity filters and purifiers rely on the physics of gravity to pull water down through the filter/purifier media and into your clean water receptacle. The higher the dirty reservoir bag is above the clean water output, the better the flow rate will be
To increase the flow rate, first try hanging the reservoir bag as high as you can above the clean water output. Second, make sure to purge air out of the system following the directions included with the filter or purifier (also found in the Videos section).
If you still have concerns about your gravity filter or purifier's flow, we have a few recommendations. If your product has been sitting in storage for an extended period of time, it is possible the hollow fiber system needs to be resaturated with water. This can be done by placing your filter cartridge in a small bowl of water for anywhere from a few hours to overnight.
Another issue is that your filter may be clogged. It is recommended to backflush your filter or purifier after a certain amount of use, refer to your product's instruction manual for specific liter amounts and backflush recommendations and directions. We recommend backflushing and disinfecting your filter before long term storage, or you may run the risk of debris drying and getting stuck in your filter cartridge. Note, the cartridge itself must remain wet inside during long term storage, or you may run the risk of drying out of the hollow fiber filtering system.
If your filter or purifier has seen a significant amount of use, it may be time for a replacement filter/purifier piece.
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